Registration for tournaments typically opens 3-4 months prior to the big date, whereas leagues run relatively within the 3 seasons we operate (Fall/Winter/Spring) and have set registration cycles.
While exact registration dates and details vary, here's a general outline for you so you know how and when to get involved in league play.
Getting Registered For Leagues Get involved anytime, even if you don't have a complete team! When you reach the registration page, you can sign up as a full team, register solo and we'll match you with other individual players, or register solo and invite a few friends to join you on your team. Some nights operate under a draft style for organizing teams; in these instances you can register solo and provide us with 1-2 names of the players with whom you'd like to be on the same team. We will do our absolute best to accommodate some or all player requests. Process Choose Your Night: We operate our league 3 times a week - one night per skill level. Determine which level you best fit into (beginner, intermediate, or competitive) and you're all set! If you feel as though you're on the cusp between two, you're welcome to play more than one night. Register: Get your full team, you and a few friends, or just yourself registered to play–all online, super easily.
Getting Registered For Tournaments We offer 2 tournaments every year - Kickoff and Mid-Season Clash. We guarantee a fun and exciting weekend filled with good vibes, tons of dodgeball, and an overall thrilling atmosphere! Tournaments are a great way to add more 'play' to your schedule, make new friendships, and fill out that social calendar. Tournaments are slightly different from our leagues in divisions offered, timing, and your registration options. For our gendered divisions, instead of separating by skill level we tier everyone prior to creating pools to ensure balance. For our mixed division, we separate into open (no restrictions) and recreational (beginner/intermediate players only). Within our mixed open division, we also tier everyone prior to pooling as an added skill balancing measure. You can either register as a full team, or just yourself. And, you don’t have to be a league player to participate. Tournaments are open to everyone, and we often get players from all across North America; they’re a great way to get a feel for what the dodgeball community really has to offer.
Registration Options

Full Team
Captains register a full team to build their own, complete roster and decide themselves how many teammates to include.
The more players on the roster, the lower the cost per player.
Full team fees are paid for in full at the time of registration.
There is a maximum roster size of 12 players for a full team registration.
All full teams will be required to have a minimum number of female players on their roster.
Full teams are responsible for their own roster composition and must ensure they have enough players to meet any minimum requirements on a weekly basis.​
Cost: The cost to play varies based on what you're registering for and how you're registering. In a full team registration, the captain pays for the entire team and teammates pay the captain directly for their portion of the fee.

League Registration Opens - July
League Registration Closes - September
League Season Starts - September
League Registration Opens - November
League Registration Closes - January
League Season Starts - January
League Registration Opens - February
League Registration Closes - April
League Season Starts - April
Register Early! ​All registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Players/teams who register early will get priority if any nights sell out. Some of our nights sell out really fast, so if you want to get in the game, don't wait!