Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Got questions? We'd love to answer them! If you can't find what you need here, don't hesitate to reach out by phone, e-mail, or social media. You can find all our contact information at the bottom of this page.

Q: How do subs work?
A: If you know that you will be unable to attend a game during the season, make sure to let your teammates know!
You can post on the Community page on Facebook and any available subs will respond. Communicate directly with potential substitutes to ensure that they are aware of the time, date, and team that they will be subbing for. Anyone can sub as long as they are 18 years of age or older. If you're under the age of 18 and want to play, we will require parental consent.
Subs can be used at any point during the season including the first game! However, once playoffs begin only approved subs are allowed (at the discretion of the league runners).
Q: Do you have a lost & found?
A: Yes! If you have found an item, please send us an e-mail at League runners do a sweep of the facility at the end of each night and keep any belongings until the end of the season. If you forgot it, there's a good chance we picked it up!
Q: When and where do I find my schedule?
A: Schedules will be e-mailed on a weekly basis no later than two days prior to your game that week. This is the same timeline for playoff schedules.

Q: How do I register for a league?
A: All registrations are done online through a registration link that can be found on our website on each designated league night page, on our Instagram or Facebook pages (@DodgeballToronto) OR via e-mail if you are subscribed to our updates.
A great place to start is by browsing the different night options we have available. This can be done on our website by clicking the Leagues tab at the top of the page and selecting a skill level from the drop-down menu. Each night is for a different skill level - Monday Recreational, Wednesday Intermediate, and Thursday Competitive.
Once you've chosen your night, you're ready to register!
Q: What are the different types of registration?
A: Dodgeball Toronto accepts full team, individual, and small group registrations. If your chosen night of play is a draft night, we allow individuals to register and request 1-2 friends to be teamed up with.
Full teams are registered by the captain who is responsible for building their own roster. Full teams can have up to 12 members (not including subs). Team captains must complete the registration for their ENTIRE team, and can add players to their roster during the registration process.
Small groups can include 2-4 people who will be placed together to create a full team roster. Players that register together under one registration will almost always be placed on the same team, unless otherwise requested.
Individual registrations sign up solo and are placed on a team based on the skill level of the registrant and the registered teams. Individual registrants will be placed with the intention of balancing skill within the league night. If you are registering solo but you have 1-2 players that you would like to play with, you can make note of it when registering and we will do our absolute best to accommodate.
Q: What are the registration dates?
A: Dodgeball Toronto runs seasonally, except during the summer. Exact dates vary each year, but a general outline to expect is:
Fall: Registration open from July to September. Season starts in September.
Winter: Registration open from November to January. Season starts in January.
Spring: Registration open from February to April. Season starts in April.
Registrations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. We heavily encourage players to register early in order to secure their spot as some nights may sell out.

Facilities & Equipment
Q: Where and when will my games be played?
A: League nights are all played at the same location:
Cardinal Carter Academy
36 Greenfield Ave
North York, ON
M2N 3C8
There is limited parking close to the entrance, but plenty of free parking in the area. Please be sure to give yourself extra time to park and walk.
Time slots typically start as early as 7:00pm and go until 9:30pm. Shortly after registration closes, your team will receive a full schedule for the entire season.
Tournament dates are announced months in advance, and are all played at the same location:
Markham Pan Am Centre
16 Main St Unionville
Markham, ON
L3R 2E4
Tournaments are typically played over the span of 2 weekend days (Saturday/Sunday) with start times as early as 7:30am and end times as late as 9:30pm. Schedules are released within a few weeks leading up to the tournament.
Q: Can I make special requests on specific game times?
A: Absolutely! We understand that sometimes life makes it hard to make time for staying active. Dodgeball Toronto will do our best to accommodate these requests, while still aiming to keep time distribution as fair as possible for other teams.
Q: Are there any specific facility Do's and Don'ts that we have to adhere to? Can we drink alcohol?
A: Facilities are paramount to our organization; without them, we would not be able to play ANY sports. The importance of respect for the facilities and their caretaker staff cannot be overstated enough. If we receive continuous complaints, we could lose the right to rent. If teams are caught not adhering to our rules, they may be fined and suspended from league and tournament play.
A few key DON'TS to remember:
Drinking Alcohol
Leaving garbage
Playing/practicing in the hallways
Causing any facility damage

Tournaments & Events
Q: When does registration for a tournament open?
A: Registration typically opens 4 months prior to each tournament; however, exceptions may apply. To see when registration opens for a specific tournament, roll over the Tournaments tab at the top of the page and choose which tournament you're interested in learning more about from the drop-down.
Be sure to also follow us on social media (Facebook/Instagram/TikTok) where we regularly update our followers on tournament dates and registration information.
Q: Can I register as an individual for a tournament?
A: Yes, you are more than welcome to register as an individual for Dodgeball Toronto tournaments, and we will do our absolute best to place you on an Individuals/Free Agents team. Individuals Teams are fully dependent on whether or not we have enough players. We typically cannot confirm you at the time of your registration, but we will continue to keep in touch with updates as we have them. A registration fee will not be taken from you unless we know for certain that we can place you on a team. Oftentimes, we also have players post in our tournament Facebook events to let full teams know they are available for pick up. We fully support this and encourage any individuals looking to play to explore this route if they're comfortable doing so!
Q: Do you offer additional events separate from league nights and tournaments?
A: Yes! We occasionally host drop-in nights for any avid dodgers that are looking to get some extra time on the courts. If you find yourself itching to get back to it in the summer time, we also host Dodgeball In The Park - an event that allows folks to come out and play while enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. ​
Q: Do you have any corporate event offerings?
A: We do! For more information on organizing a corporate event (company team bonding, workshops and skills clinics at educational institutions, charitable or fundraising opportunities, etc.), roll over the Events tab at the top of the page and choose what type of event you're interested in. To obtain a formal quote or book an event with us, reach out to us via e-mail ( or phone us at (416-735-3508).​
Q: Are there league or event partnership opportunities?
A: Absolutely. Dodgeball Toronto is this city's premier league and host of two of North America's largest open tournaments. We offer people an easy, inclusive and accessible way to stay active, have fun and meet new people from across the city and more. A partnership with Dodgeball Toronto offers an opportunity to get your brand in on the fun both in and out of the gymnasium: create brand association, deliver targeted communication, help build brand awareness, and above all else - demonstrate a commitment to the local community.
Contact us as for more information.​